Alcatel-Lucent 1850 Transport Service Switch 320 and Transport Service Switch 160
The Alcatel-Lucent 1850 TSS-320 and its compact chassis version, the Alcatel-Lucent 1850 TSS-160, are next generation Packet-Optical Transport platforms. These products operate on common software and hardware and use the same universal-switch matrix architecture to supports any mix of traffic, from all-circuit to all-packet. The 1850 TSS-320 and 1850 TSS-160 feature the first industry implementation of T-MPLS and will support the closely related MPLS-TP in the future.
With these capabilities, business can begin with circuit-based transport and, over time, gradually ramp up packet transport with only simple changes of line cards. The 1850 TSS-320 and 1850 TSS-160 support current traffic requirements while eliminating the scalability issues encountered when traditional multiservice provisioning platforms are confronted with packet-based traffic increases. These products offers the flexibility to split increasing traffic demands among any combination of carrier Ethernet switching, wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), optical data unit (ODU) and TDM transport technologies. The 1850 TSS-320 and 1850 TSS-160 offer a powerful cross-layer network management and a unified control plane that simplify operations and reduce the total cost of ownership.
- Carrier Ethernet service through T-MPLS for standards-based connection-oriented packet transport
- SONET/SDH Optical Transport Hierarchy (OTH) switching, including higher-order and lower-order (HO/LO) synchronous transport signal (STS) and VC-switching
- Switches packets or circuits in their native format
- Accommodates any traffic mix, from all-circuit to all-packet
- Offers TDM and packet line cards for technology-specifc processing
- Any transport-technology mix
- Very long haul (VLH)/ultra long haul (ULH) support
- ATM pseudo-wire transport and gateway functions
- Dense WDM (DWDM)
- Transport-oriented operations, OAM and Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (G-MPLS)
- Reconfigurable 44 x 10 G channel DWDM
- Wavelength selective switch (WSS) 1 x 9 ports
- Mesh capable ROADM up to 8 degrees
- Leverage SDH/SONET network, operations and expertise in moving towards all-packet transport
- Switches any combination of packets and circuits in their native formats using a single platform
- Fully scales packet transport, smoothly progressing from all-circuit to all-packet, allowing service providers to transform networks to packet transport
- Efficiently aggregates and grooms metro and long-haul transport
- Simplifies network planning using ROADM and WDM
- Reduces total cost of ownership and simplifies operations through cross-layer network management and unified control plane
- Supports a broad range of applications, such as triple play services, business Ethernet and mobility backhaul