Alcatel-Lucent PRC Manager
The Alcatel-Lucent Protection Restoration Combined Manager (PRC Manager) application manages Network Protection Restoration for networks based on Optical Path Switches (OPS).
The OPS is an equipment dedicated to the protection of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) transmission networks. It typically applies to city-to-city networks made of one submarine ring inserted between two terrestrial back-haul networks. It operates on a per wavelength basis.
- Provides facilities to monitor and control the routing of each city-to-city channel, by managing the state of the optical switches
- Ensures Fault Detection and Localization
- Interfaces with other applications in the Network Management System (1353SH, 1354RM), to provide customers with information about OPS and links status
- Provides automatic path protection recovery, thanks to a routing algorithm which is able to identify the faulty paths, identify the network resources available for OPS protection, and reconfigure the OPS modules to set up the new protection schem
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Fault Detection and Localization
- Automatic Switch
- Interface with other applications in the Network Management System
- Topological view of the WDM system