NEC Pasolink NEO StandardNEC's PASOLINK NEO provides an advanced point-to-point digital microwave Access System for short- and long-haul applications. It employs a common platform design that provides scalable configurations to respond to a diverse and versatile range of market needs. The system operates over radio frequency bands ranging from 6 to 52 GHz and at traffic capacities ranging from 5 x 2 Mbps to 2 x 155 Mbps (STM-1). A capacity of 2 x STM-1 within the 28 MHz bandwidth is available with XPIC for larger capacity needs. For the LAN interface option, PASOLINK NEO offers 10-100 Base-T(X), 1000 Base-SX and 1000 Base-T interfaces. NEC Pasolink NEO/c (Compact)NEC has developed the PASOLINK NEO/c, a narrow band point-to-point digital microwave relay system operating at radio frequency (RF) bands of 7/8/13/15/18/23/26/38 GHz. This system meets an increasing demand for digital transmission services, and will satisfy the needs for common carrier access links, private links, urban area networks, rural area networks, temporary networks or emergency links for voice and data transmissions. Especially this system is very usefully for backbone network of mobile system. NEC Pasolink NEO High Performance (HP)NEC PASOLINK NEO High Performance (HP) is designed for high-speed future networks of advanced point to point digital microwave access radio. It employs a common platform design concept that provides scalable configurations to respond flexibly to a diverse range of market needs. NEO HP is also designed with completely new technology using sub-micron silicon technology and the latest signal processing circuit. NEC Pasolink NEO iPNEC PASOLINK NEO is the industry's leading IP Microwave backhaul system with unmatched reliability, latency and throughput in the field. PASOLINK NEO iP enhances the performance and capacity of PASOLINK NEO microwave products with new switching, aggregation and traffic engineering features that bring intelligent flexibility and control to any backhaul network. The switching and traffic engineering functions can be optionally provided in our stand alone solution NEC PASOLINK NEO TE. NEC Pasolink NEO/a — узловое решениеHuman being communication is growing beyond spaces and times due to propagation of mobile phones. Microwave radio links provide suitable backbone network for these mobile systems. Due to network massive capacity growth, point to backbone network connection had became complexly difficult in nodal stations. NEC PasolinkNEC's PASOLINK Systems are designed to provide short-haul access links, including cellular backhauls with small and medium capacity, and operate over multiple radio frequency bands ranging from 7 to 38 GHz. PASOLINK also offers two 10/100 Base-T(X) interfaces assuring bandwidths for growing IP networks. NEC PASOLINK enables simple installation, speedy service introduction, and efficient economical solutions for your daily transmission needs, as well as for more exigent situations. SDH Microwave Radio Systems (5000 Series)NEC's 5000 and 3000 Series SDH (synchronous digital hierarchy) Microwave Radio Systems cover frequency from 4 to 11 GHz for long-haul transmissions. The 5000S is designed using the latest technology, and ITS footprint is only an half of the 3000S one. Thus, 5000S can equip up to 10 systems and its complete repeater system occupies only one ETSI rack. |

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