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Broadband Wireless RF Filters & Diplexers

Andrew has developed a range of filters and diplexers for Broadband Wireless communications applications. Frequencies of operation range from 1900MHz to 15GHz. These products are particularly suited to OFDM and other Broadband Wireless Internet applications. Different duplex spacing and bandwidths are available. Customer specific requirements are accommodated in terms of size, mechanical configuration and connector type. Direct connection to circuit boards can also be accommodated. The range of filters covers band-pass, high pass, low-pass and band-reject types. Bandpass filters and diplexers can be combined with lowpass filters in order to provide good rejection to higher frequencies. Proprietary techniques can be incorporated if required in order to provide improved temperature stability. Andrew can combine filters and diplexers with other in-house developed electronic modules, in order to produce integrated subassemblies.
The special proprietary design and manufacturing techniques used in Andrew's filter, duplexer and diplexer products very repeatable performance for both small and large quantities. The following charts show typical measured performance data of a number of diplexers in the product range.


2005...2015, Telecom Networks LLC. All rights reserved. ISO 9001:2000.

office 24, business-centre “Vereyskaya Plaza”, Vereyskaya str., 29, 121357, Moscow, Russia

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+7 (495) 982-39-09
+7 (495) 982-39-09
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