ViaNET Network Overview
ViaNET network is built with mobile terminals (MT), access points (AP) and CrossNET server. Mobile terminals are installed in vehicle as on-board units (OBU). Access Points are deployed along the trackside or road where vehicles included in the system will move. ViaNET radio equipments are built with ruggedised chassis and heavy duty connectors for power supply and external antennas. Network solution is built with three-layer approach: core, distribution and access layers. Access layer is wireless link network between mobile terminals and access points. Distribution layer consists of ViaNET access points and their backhaul interface towards network gateway, which is CrossNET server. Core layer is built with CrossNET server, related switches, interfaces for enterprise network and connections to Internet and application corresponding server sites.
Communication protocol used in ViaNET system is a proprietary OFDM protocol developed by Airspan. Data traffic is forwarded from Mobile Terminals to CrossNET server, which is a gateway interface towards other network elements. ViaNET contains advanced protocol design both for the wireless link connectivity and end-to-end link control between mobile terminal and CrossNET server. At a network level ViaNET WBVE (Wireless Backhaul for Vehicular Environments) is a L2 Ethernet network, which can easily be used as a transparent backhaul link with Ethernet and IP applications.
ViaNET radio units include versatile radio configuration parameters required for the adjustment and tuning of the radio link connection, for versatile deployment environments. ViaNET Mobile Terminals have two 64-OFDM radios and four external antenna connectors. This is an important feature, as the radio coverage and signal propagation characteristics are dynamic and varying in mobile applications. OFDM radios work well in environments where the signal path changes dynamically. Mobile radio link environment creates scattering and diffractions in the wireless signals, which require the radio solution to be tolerant for multi path fading and complex radio wave propagation environment. The OFDM radios used in ViaNET units have characteristically good tolerance for these potential sources of signal strength reduction and interference.
The picture below describes main elements of ViaNET network.