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Frequency consulting

Frequency is a strategic resource in all respects, one of our customers described the importance of receiving radio frequencies so: «Even when the oil is finished, the frequency will exist for ever». By these words, we can add only one: «The main time to make». TELECOM NETWORKS knows how to draw up a frequency for the RECs for various purposes (whether radio station, a broadband wireless system, mobile radio base station or other RECs). In addition, we provide the maximum assistance in an early agreement on the bands and individual values of radio frequencies. We work closely with the State Commission for Radio Frequencies (GKRCH) FSUE «Main radiofrequency Center», Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Voentelekom», Federal Agency of Communications (FAS) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).


2005...2015, Telecom Networks LLC. All rights reserved. ISO 9001:2000.

office 24, business-centre “Vereyskaya Plaza”, Vereyskaya str., 29, 121357, Moscow, Russia

call us:
+7 (495) 982-39-09
+7 (495) 982-39-09
+7 (495) 987-47-68 (fax)
